Our friends, Blacklist, were looking for a support for a gig in the basement of The Crown and we just had to put ourselves forward – those of you in the know will realise that, in its previous guise of La Cav, this was one of the main venues of choice for bands like us on the late 80s Redland scene to self-promote gigs. As far as I can work out, the last time we played there was a double-header with Myriad Lifeform, on Saturday, July 8th, 1989 – and, yes, I do remember it well.
It’s only a fiver in advance (seven quid on the door), doors open at 7, and we’re on at 7:30 so get yourselves down early!
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/470473080930349?ref=newsfeed
Ticket Link: https://www.headfirstbristol.co.uk/#date=2021-11-16&event_id=68606