Sunday morning and I actually get to lie in ’til dinner (c. 12:30). Robbie brought Alan, Ian and Eric back at about three o’clock and then we trundled round to the Other Ranks Club to set up for today’s gig: the lads at APC were about to find out the answer to questions such as “What the fucking hell was that?!” – a three star general on passing Johnny, Alan and myself on the way to the mess! We didn’t do a full soundcheck as we were only using Cat ‘n Fiddle’s PA, and the show almost started on time but David Davinox, the local keyboard “star”, managed to turn up late – I think Eric the Impresario made it fairly clear that if he wanted to be treated like a professional then he ought to bloody well act like one.

From start at 7:45 PM, the show ran really smoothly, with Leomar Dance alternating with Cat ‘n Fiddle and then the latter doing a thirty minute set. Eric had hit on a good idea for the rest of the show: we would alternate with Davinox, doing one song each for as long as the show continued. This had the predictable, yet still excellent, effect of making him look like a prize plonker and us like the best thing since sliced bread. We had a great laugh and did two encores, the second of which had Eric and I going at each other over a small matter of style, but we sorted it out, thence proceeding backstage with a couple of young ladies who’d been dancing with us on stage, to consume copious quantities of alcoholic beverages and listen to squaddies telling us we were wonderful – well, we knew that already 😉 When the free beers ran out, which took a bloody long time, we all retreated to Jerry and Simon’s room, ’til one by one everyone collapsed and/or slunk off to bed.
Johnny B Goode
Young, Free & Simple
Hot Dog
Talking For Free
Blues, Brother
You Really Got Me
Johnny B Goode